And we've got a winner
After launching The Guide To Freelancing course, I assumed we’d get a maximum of 5 registrations. I mean why would someone pay for my course. And you all seem to surprise me every single time!
In the last 5 days alone, we’ve gotten over 40+ paid students. Remember, this is a 100% refundable course. So how many students did take the refund? 0.
“Under promise, Over deliver” something that I’ve talked about a lot in the course, and practised in real life too! Just seeing the curriculum of the course would be enough to blow your mind as to what is included in it🚀
Oh and did I mention that it is a certified course? Yes you get a certificate at the end of the course as well!
Prathmesh, with his certificate:
Check out our live stream where I answered all your doubts and gave you a sneak peak into the Guide to Freelancing course: